Usage statistics for items are compiled once a month from the previous month's usage logs and does not contain any personal information.

This item was has been viewed 710 times within 598 visits. Below are the details for overall usage for this item within this library.

For definitions of these terms, see the definitions on the main statistics page.

Date Views Visits
April 2017 1 1
January 2018 1 1
April 2018 1 1
May 2018 3 3
June 2018 8 7
July 2018 10 10
August 2018 38 31
September 2018 3 3
October 2018 20 19
November 2018 10 9
December 2018 40 39
January 2019 23 21
February 2019 28 28
March 2019 20 19
April 2019 6 6
May 2019 4 4
June 2019 12 12
July 2019 11 11
August 2019 24 24
September 2019 10 10
October 2019 12 12
November 2019 18 16
December 2019 13 13
January 2020 10 10
February 2020 15 15
March 2020 21 20
April 2020 10 10
May 2020 11 11
June 2020 11 10
July 2020 6 6
August 2020 1 1
September 2020 2 2
October 2020 1 1
December 2020 1 1
January 2021 5 5
February 2021 3 3
July 2021 3 2
August 2021 17 5
September 2021 1 1
October 2021 7 5
December 2021 1 1
January 2022 8 7
February 2022 3 2
March 2022 18 12
April 2022 7 6
May 2022 3 2
June 2022 2 2
July 2022 7 7
August 2022 5 5
September 2022 2 2
October 2022 5 5
November 2022 3 3
January 2023 5 5
February 2023 2 2
March 2023 2 2
April 2023 13 10
May 2023 6 6
June 2023 32 13
July 2023 15 8
August 2023 3 3
September 2023 6 6
October 2023 2 2
November 2023 42 23
December 2023 36 19
January 2024 9 8
February 2024 3 3
March 2024 8 7
April 2024 4 4
May 2024 10 10
June 2024 7 5
TOTAL 710 598