Usage statistics for items are compiled once a month from the previous month's usage logs and does not contain any personal information.

This item was has been viewed 11183 times within 3765 visits. Below are the details for overall usage for this item within this library.

For definitions of these terms, see the definitions on the main statistics page.

Date Views Visits
December 2019 0 0
January 2020 62 12
February 2020 179 114
March 2020 192 100
April 2020 177 109
May 2020 170 104
June 2020 172 100
July 2020 164 95
August 2020 159 100
September 2020 154 86
October 2020 194 103
November 2020 176 85
December 2020 136 51
January 2021 205 76
February 2021 198 112
March 2021 156 66
April 2021 157 64
May 2021 190 86
June 2021 164 72
July 2021 132 76
August 2021 174 104
September 2021 106 59
October 2021 193 96
November 2021 172 94
December 2021 167 86
January 2022 176 97
February 2022 149 79
March 2022 215 106
April 2022 161 77
May 2022 164 91
June 2022 90 60
July 2022 173 91
August 2022 163 78
September 2022 147 84
October 2022 138 64
November 2022 128 63
December 2022 132 59
January 2023 103 41
February 2023 71 34
March 2023 109 53
April 2023 165 82
May 2023 114 57
June 2023 798 69
July 2023 747 48
August 2023 686 17
September 2023 61 41
October 2023 76 40
November 2023 732 39
December 2023 88 29
January 2024 64 35
February 2024 711 45
March 2024 32 30
April 2024 689 19
May 2024 53 33
June 2024 99 54
TOTAL 11183 3765