Material Information

Strengthening economic resilience in Small Island States a situational analysis of food entrepreneurship, with a focus on the Cucumis Anguria cucumber in Aruba
Kort, Rendell de
Obispo, Siguerd
Carmona Báez, Antonio
Echteld, Elisabeth
Mijts, Eric
Place of Publication:
[Willemstad, Curaçao]
Puerto Rico
University of Curaçao
University of Puerto Rico
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
Page 53-70


The COVID-19 pandemic's border closures dealt a severe blow to Small Island States (SIS), revealing vulnerabilities in economic and food security due to heavy reliance on tourism. This crisis emphasized the necessity of robust food security systems to enhance economic resilience and safeguard livelihoods. Scant literature exists on specific challenges facing SIS food systems. This paper addresses these gaps, focusing on the Cucumis Anguria cucumber (comcomber chikito) in Aruba. Through participatory action research, consumer surveys, and expert interviews, significant constraints to food entrepreneurship are revealed, in areas such as innovation, technology adoption, entrepreneurial acumen, and risk mitigation. The study provides insights applicable to food systems in SIS, contributing to resilience-building efforts.
General Note:
In: Southern entanglements: Southern epistemologies, Southern praxes and the languages, literatures and cultures of the Dutch Caribbean and beyond / N. Faraclas, R. Severing, E. Echteld, W. Rutgers, & S. Delgado (eds.)

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Curaçao
Holding Location:
University of Curaçao
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.