Usage statistics for items are compiled once a month from the previous month's usage logs and does not contain any personal information.

This item was has been viewed 3786 times within 1905 visits. Below are the details for overall usage for this item within this library.

For definitions of these terms, see the definitions on the main statistics page.

Date Views Visits
April 2022 311 129
May 2022 212 111
June 2022 104 72
July 2022 201 119
August 2022 187 105
September 2022 183 94
October 2022 183 82
November 2022 137 75
December 2022 150 54
January 2023 121 53
February 2023 101 37
March 2023 174 63
April 2023 190 69
May 2023 140 62
June 2023 164 74
July 2023 84 41
August 2023 34 23
September 2023 101 55
October 2023 166 97
November 2023 187 76
December 2023 67 34
January 2024 75 40
February 2024 60 48
March 2024 116 62
April 2024 72 33
May 2024 112 88
June 2024 154 109
TOTAL 3786 1905