Usage statistics for items are compiled once a month from the previous month's usage logs and does not contain any personal information.

This item was has been viewed 5225 times within 2567 visits. Below are the details for overall usage for this item within this library.

For definitions of these terms, see the definitions on the main statistics page.

Date Views Visits
July 2021 140 68
August 2021 118 88
September 2021 119 84
October 2021 196 106
November 2021 200 116
December 2021 135 79
January 2022 233 108
February 2022 129 80
March 2022 258 121
April 2022 177 95
May 2022 152 102
June 2022 71 57
July 2022 188 90
August 2022 158 95
September 2022 193 93
October 2022 142 76
November 2022 108 73
December 2022 128 60
January 2023 95 53
February 2023 142 34
March 2023 219 65
April 2023 229 72
May 2023 178 63
June 2023 226 87
July 2023 146 42
August 2023 29 19
September 2023 101 60
October 2023 159 78
November 2023 219 71
December 2023 67 29
January 2024 119 33
February 2024 67 56
March 2024 70 39
April 2024 69 27
May 2024 49 38
June 2024 196 110
TOTAL 5225 2567