Usage statistics for items are compiled once a month from the previous month's usage logs and does not contain any personal information.

This item was has been viewed 7172 times within 3898 visits. Below are the details for overall usage for this item within this library.

For definitions of these terms, see the definitions on the main statistics page.

Date Views Visits
May 2020 30 13
June 2020 221 117
July 2020 195 113
August 2020 137 93
September 2020 212 100
October 2020 166 114
November 2020 127 94
December 2020 89 48
January 2021 176 79
February 2021 119 85
March 2021 114 69
April 2021 131 78
May 2021 158 101
June 2021 111 73
July 2021 122 78
August 2021 136 86
September 2021 121 68
October 2021 217 120
November 2021 213 116
December 2021 155 84
January 2022 211 117
February 2022 144 78
March 2022 257 117
April 2022 177 102
May 2022 167 115
June 2022 88 62
July 2022 175 112
August 2022 170 104
September 2022 208 101
October 2022 154 73
November 2022 137 82
December 2022 149 55
January 2023 116 51
February 2023 102 44
March 2023 197 66
April 2023 202 68
May 2023 118 67
June 2023 185 80
July 2023 101 40
August 2023 43 28
September 2023 98 57
October 2023 154 79
November 2023 174 79
December 2023 73 33
January 2024 132 55
February 2024 73 60
March 2024 73 43
April 2024 73 38
May 2024 129 70
June 2024 142 93
TOTAL 7172 3898