Achtergalerij van het landhuis Savonet op de Nederlandse Antillen |
Creator: | | Essen, J.C. van |
Publication Date: | | circa 1955 |
Type: | | Photograph |
Format: | | 8x12 cm |
Source Institution: | | The Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies collection |
Holding Location: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Subject Keyword: | |
interiors Netherlands Antilles
Spatial Coverage: | | Netherlands Antilles |
Achtergalerij van het landhuis Savonet op de Nederlandse Antillen |
Afdeling IJzerwaren van winkel Otrabanda van de Curaçaosche Handel Maatschappij te Willemstad |
Publication Date: | | 2/15/1954 12:00:00 AM |
Type: | | Photograph |
Format: | | 18x23 cm |
Source Institution: | | The Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies collection |
Holding Location: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Subject Keyword: | |
interiors shops trading companies Willemstad
Spatial Coverage: | | Willemstad |
Afdeling IJzerwaren van winkel Otrabanda van de Curaçaosche Handel Maatschappij te Willemstad |
Afdeling Sanitair en IJzerwaren van winkel Otrabanda van de Curaçaosche Handel Maatschappij te Willemstad |
Publication Date: | | 2/15/1954 12:00:00 AM |
Type: | | Photograph |
Format: | | 17,5x24 cm |
Source Institution: | | The Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies collection |
Holding Location: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Subject Keyword: | |
interiors shops trading companies Willemstad
Spatial Coverage: | | Willemstad |
Afdeling Sanitair en IJzerwaren van winkel Otrabanda van de Curaçaosche Handel Maatschappij te Willemstad |
Affiche 'Mikvé Israël-Emanuel Synagoge, Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles' |
Publication Date: | | circa 2008 |
Type: | | Photograph |
Format: | | 42 x 59,5 cm |
Source Institution: | | The Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies collection |
Holding Location: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Subject Keyword: | |
Curaçao interiors synagogues
Spatial Coverage: | | Curaçao |
Genre: | | Offset |
Affiche 'Mikvé Israël-Emanuel Synagoge, Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles' |
Balie van het in mei 1952 geopende reisbureau van de Curaçaosche Handel Maatschappij te Willemstad |
Publication Date: | | 1952-05 |
Type: | | Photograph |
Format: | | 20,5x25 cm |
Source Institution: | | The Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies collection |
Holding Location: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Subject Keyword: | |
interiors trading companies travels Willemstad
Spatial Coverage: | | Willemstad |
Balie van het in mei 1952 geopende reisbureau van de Curaçaosche Handel Maatschappij te Willemstad |
Balie van het in mei 1952 geopende reisbureau van de Curaçaosche Handel Maatschappij te Willemstad |
Publication Date: | | 1952-05 |
Type: | | Photograph |
Format: | | 12x9,5 cm |
Source Institution: | | The Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies collection |
Holding Location: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Subject Keyword: | |
interiors trading companies travels Willemstad
Spatial Coverage: | | Willemstad |
Balie van het in mei 1952 geopende reisbureau van de Curaçaosche Handel Maatschappij te Willemstad |
Curaçaosch kantoorpersoneel aan het werk in het kantoorgebouw van de Curaçao Trading Company S.A (C.T.C.)aan de Handelskade te Willemstad |
Publication Date: | | circa 1950 |
Type: | | Photograph |
Format: | | 19x23,5 |
Source Institution: | | The Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies collection |
Holding Location: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Subject Keyword: | |
Curaçao Dutch Antillean interiors offices office workers
Spatial Coverage: | |
Curaçao Willemstad
Genre: | | Ontwikkelgelatinezilverdruk (OGZ) |
Curaçaosch kantoorpersoneel aan het werk in het kantoorgebouw van de Curaçao Trading Company S.A (C.T.C.)aan de Handelskade te Willemstad |
Curaçaosche Petroleum Industrie Maatschappij (C.P.I.M.) / Curaçaosche Scheepvaart Maatschappij (C.S.M.) |
Publication Date: | | circa 1955 |
Type: | | Photograph |
Format: | | 18x25 cm. |
Source Institution: | | The Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies collection |
Holding Location: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Subject Keyword: | |
Curaçao interiors medical care petroleum industry
Spatial Coverage: | | Curaçao |
Curaçaosche Petroleum Industrie Maatschappij (C.P.I.M.) / Curaçaosche Scheepvaart Maatschappij (C.S.M.) |
Curaçaosche Petroleum Industrie Maatschappij (C.P.I.M.) / Curaçaosche Scheepvaart Maatschappij (C.S.M.) |
Publication Date: | | circa 1955 |
Type: | | Photograph |
Format: | | 18x25 cm. |
Source Institution: | | The Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies collection |
Holding Location: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Subject Keyword: | |
Curaçao interiors petroleum industry shipping companies
Spatial Coverage: | | Curaçao |
Curaçaosche Petroleum Industrie Maatschappij (C.P.I.M.) / Curaçaosche Scheepvaart Maatschappij (C.S.M.) |
Curaçaosche Petroleum Industrie Maatschappij (C.P.I.M.) / Curaçaosche Scheepvaart Maatschappij (C.S.M.) |
Publication Date: | | circa 1955 |
Type: | | Photograph |
Format: | | 18x25 cm. |
Source Institution: | | The Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies collection |
Holding Location: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Subject Keyword: | |
Curaçao interiors petroleum industry schools
Spatial Coverage: | | Curaçao |
Curaçaosche Petroleum Industrie Maatschappij (C.P.I.M.) / Curaçaosche Scheepvaart Maatschappij (C.S.M.) |
Curaçaosche Petroleum Industrie Maatschappij (C.P.I.M.) / Curaçaosche Scheepvaart Maatschappij (C.S.M.) |
Publication Date: | | circa 1955 |
Type: | | Photograph |
Format: | | 18x25 cm |
Source Institution: | | The Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies collection |
Holding Location: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Subject Keyword: | |
Curaçao hotels interiors petroleum industry shipping companies
Spatial Coverage: | | Curaçao |
Curaçaosche Petroleum Industrie Maatschappij (C.P.I.M.) / Curaçaosche Scheepvaart Maatschappij (C.S.M.) |
De deuren van de grote zaal in landhuis Gasparito op Curaçao |
Creator: | | Essen, J.C. van |
Publication Date: | | circa 1955 |
Type: | | Photograph |
Format: | | 20x25 cm |
Source Institution: | | The Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies collection |
Holding Location: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Subject Keyword: | |
Curaçao houses interiors plantations
Spatial Coverage: | | Curaçao |
De deuren van de grote zaal in landhuis Gasparito op Curaçao |
De oven van landhuis Gasparito op Curaçao |
Creator: | | Essen, J.C. van |
Publication Date: | | circa 1955 |
Type: | | Photograph |
Format: | | 20x25 cm |
Source Institution: | | The Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies collection |
Holding Location: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Subject Keyword: | |
Curaçao houses interiors plantations
Spatial Coverage: | | Curaçao |
De oven van landhuis Gasparito op Curaçao |
Directeur van de Curaçaosche Handel Maatschappij J. Menge (1e rij, midden) met directeur R. Kruseman, manager Sweers en personeel te Willemstad |
Creator: | | Elite, Foto-studio / Punda |
Publication Date: | | circa 1942 |
Type: | | Photograph |
Format: | | 12x17,5 cm |
Source Institution: | | The Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies collection |
Holding Location: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Subject Keyword: | |
interiors offices personnel trading companies Willemstad
Spatial Coverage: | | Willemstad |
Directeur van de Curaçaosche Handel Maatschappij J. Menge (1e rij, midden) met directeur R. Kruseman, manager Sweers en personeel te Willemstad |
Dominee Aaldert van Essen op de preekstoel van de protestantse kerk te Kralendijk op Bonaire |
Publication Date: | | circa 1935 |
Type: | | Photograph |
Format: | | 8,5x5,5 cm |
Source Institution: | | The Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies collection |
Holding Location: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Subject Keyword: | |
Bonaire clergy interiors Protestantism Essen, A. van
Spatial Coverage: | | Bonaire |
Dominee Aaldert van Essen op de preekstoel van de protestantse kerk te Kralendijk op Bonaire |
Draaierij, reparatiewerkplaats van de de Curaçaosche Petroleum Industrie Maatschappij (C.P.I.M.) op Curaçao |
Publication Date: | | circa 1950 |
Type: | | Photograph |
Format: | | 17x22,5 cm |
Source Institution: | | The Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies collection |
Holding Location: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Subject Keyword: | |
Curaçao interiors machinery petroleum industry workshops
Spatial Coverage: | | Curaçao |
Draaierij, reparatiewerkplaats van de de Curaçaosche Petroleum Industrie Maatschappij (C.P.I.M.) op Curaçao |
Etalage met huishoudelijke apparaten van de Metropolis winkel van de Curaçao Trading Company, S.A. (C.T.C.) in de Heerenstraat te Willemstad |
Publication Date: | | circa 1950 |
Type: | | Photograph |
Format: | | 19,5x24 |
Source Institution: | | The Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies collection |
Holding Location: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Subject Keyword: | |
Curaçao household appliances interiors shops trading companies
Spatial Coverage: | |
Curaçao Willemstad
Genre: | | Ontwikkelgelatinezilverdruk (OGZ) |
Etalage met huishoudelijke apparaten van de Metropolis winkel van de Curaçao Trading Company, S.A. (C.T.C.) in de Heerenstraat te Willemstad |
Etalage met huishoudelijke apparaten van de Metropolis winkel van de Curaçao Trading Company, S.A. (C.T.C.) in de Heerenstraat te Willemstad |
Publication Date: | | circa 1950 |
Type: | | Photograph |
Format: | | 19,5x24,5 |
Source Institution: | | The Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies collection |
Holding Location: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Subject Keyword: | |
Curaçao Dutch Antillean household appliances interiors shops
Spatial Coverage: | |
Curaçao Willemstad
Genre: | | Ontwikkelgelatinezilverdruk (OGZ) |
Etalage met huishoudelijke apparaten van de Metropolis winkel van de Curaçao Trading Company, S.A. (C.T.C.) in de Heerenstraat te Willemstad |
Etalage met radios van de Metropolis winkel van de Curaçao Trading Company, S.A. (C.T.C.) in de Heerenstraat te Willemstad |
Publication Date: | | circa 1950 |
Type: | | Photograph |
Format: | | 18,5x21 |
Source Institution: | | The Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies collection |
Holding Location: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Subject Keyword: | |
Curaçao interiors radio shops trading companies
Spatial Coverage: | |
Curaçao Willemstad
Genre: | | Ontwikkelgelatinezilverdruk (OGZ) |
Etalage met radios van de Metropolis winkel van de Curaçao Trading Company, S.A. (C.T.C.) in de Heerenstraat te Willemstad |
Etalage van de Otrabanda winkel van de Curaçao Trading Company, S.A. (C.T.C.) te Willemstad |
Publication Date: | | circa 1950 |
Type: | | Photograph |
Format: | | 19x24 |
Source Institution: | | The Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies collection |
Holding Location: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Subject Keyword: | |
Curaçao household appliances interiors shops trading companies
Spatial Coverage: | |
Curaçao Willemstad
Genre: | | Ontwikkelgelatinezilverdruk (OGZ) |
Etalage van de Otrabanda winkel van de Curaçao Trading Company, S.A. (C.T.C.) te Willemstad |