No. Title Date
781 Selebrashon 41 aña di UoC
782 Self service @ home : a revolutionary online store to facilitate the demands of UTS customers
783 The semi-arid green building envelope
784 Seminar Blue Economy bij UoC
785 Seminario Blue Economy: Local opportunities
786 Ser Betris : obra original
787 Service level as a satisfaction instrument : a trade-off between low inventory levels of merchandise and custormer satisfaction at a local retail fashion store
788 Sese bolem balansio
789 Shi Maria cu Buchi Wan
790 Shon Cecil
791 Shon Fe
792 Siman pasá a[ñ]a Akademiko na Universidat a kuminsa
793 Simposio "Future proofing 2050"
794 Simposio 'unu, dos, tres, fácil' di tur ta konta i UoC kla pa ranka sali
795 Sin ni sikiera un welensali : un kuenta
796 Sinja horta
797 SITA
798 Sitek ta felisita Sr. Cesar Lacroes pa su rekonosementu dor di Uoc : Komo eminensia den aritmétika i matemátika ta duna teinen formashon na SITEK
799 Sjoerd Zijlstra benoemd tot buitengewoon hoogleraar
800 Smart buurtcentrum